Tuesday, May 18, 1999

Tonight, it starts. At one minute past midnight, Star Wars Episode I will start to flicker on screens around the country, and soon around the world. Roger Ebert has an excellent review (he gives it three and a half stars), in which he gets in a few subtle barbs at the other critics who’ve disdained the film. And watch the chronicles of two Star Wars nerds in RealAudio presentations of The Sci-Fi Channel‘s brilliant vignettes, Countdown to Episode I.

While we’re at it, the SFC also has a brilliant piece of marketing: The Waiting Game, where you get to keep track of a virtual fan who’s waiting in line for Star Wars tickets. Feed him and interact with him every day, and when the movie comes out, a few random folks with healthy, happy fans will get free Star Wars merchandise. Meanwhile, you have to muck around on their website, viewing ads and driving their hit count through the roof.

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