Monday, August 21, 2000

Well, last night I went to dcMetro, an interdenominational youth meeting for 18’s to 30’s, focusing on outreach. The music and general “feel” of the meeting was not exactly what I’d like; it felt like people were trying to hype themselves up so that they could feel God. And, IMO, that’s not really appropriate. God’s everywhere, right? It shouldn’t be a matter of trying to sense a mystical energy force.

But that said, it looks like they’re going to try to do some really cool things. Next month they’ll be handing out food to the homeless in D.C., and they’re looking to do some outreach during the upcoming AIDS walk (sorta to counteract the “GOD HATES FAGS” people…ick). So I’m going to start praying about it, and see if maybe God wants me doing that. AWANA will be starting up in a few weeks, so that will be keeping me busy, too.

I did some work on my side garden this weekend, and just spent some time sitting on my deck reading. It’s so wonderful to have a peaceful little corner of the world where you can sit down, sip a mug of hot tea, and truly relax your bones.

I also came up with a brilliant little idea for a series of fantasy books. I wanted to talk it over with Saalon — who is amazingly talented at coming up with fascinating twists and directions on an idea — and e-mailed him with my thoughts, but he was selfish enough to be offline most of Sunday. ;-) So, I popped the first DVD of serial experiments: lain into Tramp (my main Windows computer), fast-forwarded a few minutes, dialled his voicemail, and when it came on, hit play. Alice said “You really should check your e-mail at least once a day. It’s best, y’know,” and I put the receiver down. When Saalon came online later that night, I was satisfied to hear that it was a very creepy experience.

I’ve also uploaded video clips of the opening and closing credits sequences of one of my current obsessions, NieA_7, to my NieA_7 website, UFO Dreams.

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