Thursday, November 30, 2000

Thanks to, I came across, a site where you can paste in a piece of spam, and their software will find out whom you should e-mail to report the spam, and will e-mail them for you (prior to your approval of the addresses they come up with) with a complete report on the spam. I’ve reported a handful of spam today, and plan to do it as much as possible from now on. You can also forward spam to and use their e-mail based interface to report spam.

Called a friend of mine tonight about coming with me to Intersect‘s Holiday Party (a formal/semi-formal affair at the Dulles Hilton). Hopefully she can make it.

I also gave Saalon a call, where we fumed about the thorough raw deal Batman Beyond‘s getting, and anime and the online community in general. He’s settling in to his new apartment in Boston pretty well, which is always good to hear.

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