Friday, March 9, 2001

OK, so I stumbled across this at Target a couple of months ago, and was so dumbfounded that I had to share it.

Batman Beyond is an action/adventure animated show set in the relatively near future. It’s very edgy, aimed at an older audience than most American animated shows (specifically, young teens), and emphasizes a sleek techno future.

Which makes it ideal for valentines, don’t you think?

[Batman Beyond Valentine box]

I remember all the mushy cards I had to use for valentines. Well, now kids can trade heartwarming sentiments like these:

['Have a Blight-free Valentine's Day']

['Hope you're the center of attention on Valentine's Day']

What’s most bizarre — for me, at least — is that the package also comes with this (they’re stickers):

[Red heart stickers]

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