Heh. Yahoo! Weekly Picks featured a lovely site: A Netizen’s Guide to Flame Warriors. The illustrations elevate this particular guide into the realm of genius; you can even order an 8.5×11″ print for only USD $5. Tiny Yapper, Profundus Maximus, and Bliss Ninny are tempting me. Acne is good, too.
Hey, there’s even an entry for Fanatic.
Miscellaneous anime news:
- The official Cowboy Bebop website has posted a trailer for the upcoming movie (they showed it at Anime Expo…ohhhh, to be in that crowd…).
- There are reports that, during Madonna‘s recent concerts, among the images broadcast on the big screen behind the stage are scenes from Perfect Blue. Perfect Blue is a horror film that concentrates on pop idols, fame, and paranoia in which an idol singer is driven crazy as she strives to transform herself an actress (an amazingly appropo subject for Madonna).
- Outlaw Star will be returning to Toonami on July 16th. Maybe I’ll get a chance to actually watch the show now. That’ll be the same night that First Gundam and Gundam 08th MS Team premiere on Toonami.
Ain’t It Cool News posted an interview with Mark Hamill (the guy who played Luke Skywalker), in which Hamill’s