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March 20, 2002

I was reading a recent interview with Joel Spolsky, and Joel pointed out something intriguing about the mindset behind his detractors. For those who aren’t familiar with Joel, he is arguably most famous for his mantra, “Never rewrite code from scratch.” To be honest, this statement is more rigid than Joel’s real beliefs, since he believes in code cleanup, refactoring lousy code, very […]

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

New poll. Here are the results of the last one: Did you watch the Super Bowl game? Yep, all of it. (41%)Most of it. (0%)Some of it. (8%)Nope, not at all. (50%) I’ve moved my Model Languages mini-website into its own little sub-section within the libray in my personal website. And here’s yet more proof of why Chris rocks: I also recall speculation that crop circles might be navigational markers, […]

March 18, 2002

Today, I documented a feature that doesn’t even have a name yet. Work tired me out. There’s a tremendous amount of work to be done there, and I used up every ounce of my psychic strength dealing with it all today. I’m not tired by the work itself. Much of the stress lies in the difficulty inherent in technical documentation. Technical writers are normally expected — expected — to write complete and clear end-user […]

March 15, 2002

It’s amazing that, within the space of a few hours, part of your life can change so quickly. I’m now juggling two potential jobs. I’ve actually accepted a temporary offer from my last employer, Intersect Software, to help straighten out their online help system before their big release in a couple of weeks. I’ve also been contacted by a recruiter for AOL, who needs a Perl programmer for a three-month contract […]

Thursday, March 14, 2002

“Living rightly in all things means correctly perceiving, understanding, evaluating, and acting in regard to ourselves and others, our environment, and all of reality.”— In the Spirit of Happiness, The Monks of New Skete In the light of yesterday’s diary entry about feeling invigorated after re-arranging my bedroom, I was intrigued to come across this little snippet, buried in Joel Spolsky‘s book reviews: “What does this have to do with a book on depression? Well, it turns […]

March 13, 2002

Boy, my room seems so different. I’ve consolidated my computers so that all three (Pendragon, Lady, and Tramp) are operating off of the same monitor, keyboard, and mouse, thanks to a Belkin KVM switch. My room seems much bigger, now that I’ve eliminated a 17″ monitor that was hanging out on a wall bracket, plus all of the other stuff. I also removed a plant from the room and moved my computers into the corner […]

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Otherspace Productions is a full-fledged business, registered with my county as a real animation production facility. My bedroom is a licensed animation studio. This tickles me. Unfortunately, this has an unintended consequence: personal property taxes. Upon reviewing the personal property form I received a few days ago, I’ve realized that I have to report everything that I’ve used in connection with the business as taxable. That includes: The character design sheets […]

March 11, 2002

Well, though I worked a bit more on Quiet, I didn’t erally do anything else today. I didn’t have the energy; this illness seems to be draining my energy quite a bit more than I’d expected. Keeko, our cat, being cuddly And now, I’m working on a drawing exercise: I’m trying to draw three human torsos, every night this week. Tonight’s torsos are turning out terribly poorly. It’s […]

Sunday, March 10, 2002

I’ve been struggling a lot lately. I’ve been struggling with myself. When I was about thirteen, I was introduced to pornography. Unfortunately, my parents never discoverd this, and though I knew that I was being vaguely naughty by reading trashy romance novels for the naughty bits or skimming through a nudie magazine, I never renounced this practice. I rationalized my behavior; I knew that I would look down on this sort of behavior in others, but […]

Friday, March 8, 2002

Ugh. I’m getting sick, I think. I had a good day, but not a particularly productive one from the perspective of my various projects. This whole week has had rather low productivity, really.

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