January 9, 2003

Hmm. The 13th most popular search string used to find this site is “big breasts.” I’d love to know why.

Though now that I’ve put it in a journal entry, it’ll match more strongly. Ah well.

12:12 a.m.

And here’s my vote: Down and Out in the Magic Kingdonm is an incredibly good read. Yes, you can read it online. Just plain good SF, in the tradition of Snow Crash. Seriously.

12:12 a.m.

“Experiencing great art on the Web is about as close to the real thing as phone sex, and considerably less satisfying.” — Anne E. Berman

About two weeks ago, I learned that one of my friends is going to be experiencing a vacancy in his apartment — one of his roommates is leaving. He offerred me the opportunity to move in, if I was interested.

I’m planning to check out the apartment in question this Saturday. I don’t know what to expect, other than that it’s comparatively large — 1,400 square feet shared by a total of three people, with three full bathrooms. The space being offerred to me is a loft with a walk-in closet.

I’ve been seriously thinking of moving out of my parents’ house for months now, mainly because I feel that it’s time for me to strike out on my own. I have a great relationship with my parents, and my room is amazing; I have no relational problems. But I’ve felt that it’s time in my life.

Now that the opportunity is presenting itself, and I’ve been thinking and praying about it, I feel a peace about it all. I feel like now is the time for me to move out. I’m not saying I will move out, note. And I know I’ll be homesick. But I’m ready.

It’s weird. I expected this to be a really tough decision. But at this point, I don’t feel particularly emotional about the decision itself. The event will be huge in my life, when it comes, but I can approach the decision with a pretty calm mind.

And that’s a very good thing.

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