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Friday, October 10, 2003

Okay. I know, I know. I haven’t posted anything in days. It’s just that…well, I got a call on my wristphone Tuesday about another deadly attack by the Hammerheads on planet Cardonia, so I had to blast off in my starfighter and patrol the area for a couple of days. And the nearest space station only had dial-up. I have been working nights on a possible Otherspace Productions animation: a short anime parody in which lain of serial experiments lain goes up against […]

Tuesday, October 7, 2003

I have a mini-article ready, but I think I’d better explain my short absence from this journal. I forgot to update on Friday, then seasonal allergies flared up on Monday, which kept me in bed until noon and home all day. Today, I’m operating at about 70%. I’m continuing to chug through my weekly list-of-stuff-to-do. I need another couple of weeks to be able to accurately gauge its effectiveness, but it’s going […]

Thursday, October 2, 2003

I’m continuing to have reasonable success with my evening schedules; Tuesday night was a good example. I came home ready to make a special dinner: steak and potatos. I cracked open the cookbook to discover that the recipe calls for marinating the steak for an hour. Blast. Well, I’d planned on making cookies anyway. I oiled and peppered the steak and set it aside, then proceeded to mix up the M&M cookie batter. I’d done this over […]

Wednesday, October 1, 2003

Fall has arrived. This morning, the sky was paved with slate, and the air was almost vindictively cold; even a long-sleeved shirt and a leather jacket didn’t quite keep out the chill. When I hopped into my truck, I turned on the heater for the first time this season. But I’m not complaining. Until today, the days have been nearly cloudless, and the air warms up by mid-morning. It’s still chilly by noon, but […]

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