‘Twas going to post a long, rambling screed about me and what’s going on with me.
Then I read this Washington Post report:
The House of Representatives passed a measure Thursday to ensure Congress can continue its work if many lawmakers perish in a terrorist attack. But opponents warned that the bill would not prevent a power vacuum at a time the country could least afford one.
In other words, opponents complain that the bill would not prevent a power vacuum if many lawmakers died suddenly.
Um, duh?
What do the opponents want? A law that legislates normal operations of government after a nuclear strike?
There’s a quote attributed to Voltaire that applies here: The Best is the enemy of the Good.” More accurately, the quest for perfection usually precludes work on a solution that works now.
From what I can tell, lawmakers passed a reasonable law, essentially calling for special elections within 45 days of a massive death toll (defined as at least 100 dead out of the House’s 435 members). Not that we couldn’t anyway, but this provides a battle plan: if a bunch of representatives snuff it, we all hold special elections in a month and a half to elect new ones.
Are there potentially better solutions? Sure. Opponents suggest the immediate instatement of temporary replacements. But even that is at least questionable — who picks these people? I can easily see a Palpatine taking advantage of this sort of situation to choose a lot of convenient replacements who can enact some very nasty legislation within 45 days.
Anyvay, the point is that the opponents appear to want to wait until somebody comes up with the best possible solution, rather than adopt a reasonable solution now.
I say: No. You deal with your current situation as best you can. And if your solutions don’t work in the future, you fix them.