Updating this journal has felt like a futile exercise lately. Writing well is rarely easy, but for the past few weeks it’s been a Herculean task.
Problem is, I want to write journal entries that are
That may sound like a mere whining fear, but it’s not just that. I’ve realized recently that my journal writing could be much better formed. I want to write well. If I can write well, why not do so?
This came primarily from my recent purchase of Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style, which prizes clarity and simplicity. Which is not to suggest that all writers should write like Hemingway; merely that writers should avoid unnecessary or unclear words. The written word should burst to life in crystalline clarity.
To completely change the subject: I’m back today from a wonderful weekend at Saalon‘s, attending the wrap party for Dreaming by Strobelight. I had a great time with the fifteen or so attendees, eating Lumburgers and drinking sake and playing DDR. I want to move up there even more now.