Well, I got home from a tiring day at work yesterday to discover that one of the books I’d ordered from Alibris had arrived. I microwaved a frozen meal and eagerly tore open the package to discover it was Brennen‘s recommendation, John Brunner’s SF novel The Shockwave Rider. I began reading, and didn’t put it down until I’d read the last page at 1:00 a.m.
I’m still unsure if I agree with it. In fact, there’s at least one deliciously ironic underlying contradiction (or structural story flaw, at least). But on the whole I strongly agree with much of its fundamental premises—that modern people tend to put technology and social constraints ahead of others’ humanity, and that society has taken a lot of wrong turns lately.
Though The Shockwave Rider takes the unfortunately common tack of making these problems into a
But I shouldn’t let my personal desires for a better novel detract from an obviously excellent novel, and The Shockwave Rider certainly is one. I was initially a little disoriented by the aggressive use of futuristic terminology and frequent leaps from character to character, but I soon got used to it. It’s tightly plotted, the characters are intriguing and
…Hmmm. Reading over that again, I realize that I have the grist for another journal entry: How my nonfiction reading skills have affected my SF reading skills. I wasn’t reading that book right. But more on that later, if I can actually carve out some time in the evening to write journal entries.