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Monday, December 13, 2004

Here’s what I’m listening to right now, thanks to Toon Radio: (Rainbow and Patty)Together forever the road never ends, The first part of friendship is friends. (Rainbow)Where would I be with out you as my friend? (Patty)And what could I do without you? (Rainbow and Patty)Together forever the road never ends, The first part of friendship is friends.(Fades)Clippity, Clappity, Cally, Calloo,The best part of friendship is you. The funny thing about it is […]

Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Finally! More VR story! And posted on time! Doodlehopper paced up and down the shabby motel bedroom like a general from a bad World War II movie. Thomas was sprawled back on the bed, his hands behind his head, watching her. He had a bemused expression on his face, and he really didn’t know why. He was curiously detached from Doodlehopper

Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Finally! More VR story! And posted on time! Doodlehopper paced up and down the shabby motel bedroom like a general from a bad World War II movie. Thomas was sprawled back on the bed, his hands behind his head, watching her. He had a bemused expression on his face, and he really didn’t know why. He was curiously detached from Doodlehopper

Tuesday, December 7, 2004 — Pearl Harbor Day (USA)

Well, it’s been a wacky couple of days. I knew I’d have to wake up early on Monday morning, to attend the presentation of my high school friends on the book Gates of Fire. I also knew that, if I tried to sleep for only a few hours Sunday night, I’d end up sleeping right through the presentation. So, when I was unable to go to sleep early, I stayed up all night, mainly reading the last half […]

Sunday, December 5, 2004

‘Twas a fairly full day, which is appropriate considering the gorgeous weather. December and it’s in the 60’s? I’ll take it. Went to Leesburg Baptist this morning, and heard another excellent sermon. A few choice quotes: “We have made antiseptic what God wants to make therapeutic.” “God honors process.” Went to my parents’ house and hung out there for a couple of hours, then helped my Dad move some of my grandmother’s furniture. […]

Saturday, December 4, 2004

Today was baking day. I made M&M cookies, mint chocolate chip cookies, reverse chocolate chip cookies, peanut blossoms, and spritz. In addition to the gingersnaps I made yesterday and the buckeye balls I made on Thursday, I’ve made seven different kinds of cookies for Christmas. And I still have three more varieties I plan to make. Baking consumed most of my day. I did manage to watch a Russian animation of the Swan Princess story, which I enjoyed for the detailed […]

Friday, December 3, 2004

Because of my Redemption card club meeting this night, I got little done today. Work was pretty much a wash; everyone in my group was migrated to a new version of Windows XP today. It went relatively smoothly, but there are still a number of connectivity problems. So I came home early and made gingersnaps. I want to have something extra done before my main baking on Saturday. Then early to the church, where […]

Thursday, December 2, 2004

Accomplishments: Ordered a 256 MB SD card (for my Treo 600) off And in case anyone’s wondering, here’s why is eating online retailers for lunch: Including shipping, my 256 MB SD card cost what a 128 MB SD card would have cost at my nearest Best Buy or Circuit City. Went grocery shopping, and bought pretty much all the ingredients I’ll need for making cookies this weekend. […]

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

As with yesterday, my illness sucked out the energy I needed to be productive today. I did manage to do my strength training exercises, review Japanese (Kore wa Brent desu), and watch the last four episodes of .Hack//Sign. It was a wonderful four episodes, except that it didn’t end; the final episode was a cliffhanger. I feel like I’m missing something important, and plan to do some research online to see if I’ve […]

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I didn’t do much today, as I had a mild cold which sapped most of my energy. Looked into SD memory cards, as I can’t put text files onto my Treo handheld unless I install one. They’re fairly inexpensive; a 256 MB card costs about USD $30, and I can fit an awful lot of eTexts in that space. On the other hand, I could get a 1 GB SD card and put a bunch of albums on there, […]

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