Gee. Everyone’s staying away from their blogs this week, it seems, except me. And I’m the one avoiding media, so I should have the least to talk about. Instead, I feel like blogging. Hmmm. That’s causing a few neurons to fire.
The media avoidance has made me realize just how
I come home and I have DVDs to watch, magazines to read, mail to sort,
This little guy sat on top of my back porch all Monday morning. After a cold snap last week, we’ve had warm weather recently, which has thawed out several inches of snow. I suspect my little friend’s burrow flooded, so he was spending the morning drying himself out and waiting for his burrow to dry out. Poor thing. Totally unafraid of me, though; let me get right up next to him and didn’t even bat an eye.
I guess that’s what comes of less media input; I notice things like this.