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Just Like Muscles

I’ve been sick most of this week. It’s gotten me to thinking about things, particularly the idea of relaxation. Forced relaxation will do that. For example, today I spent all day reading Fox Trot and Calvin & Hobbes collections. And boy was it nice to just while away a day, doing absolutely nothing of consequence. And then sit down and lose myself in writing. I’m working away at the script for “Leviathans,” […]

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I’m struck by how much we let ourselves be enslaved by our devices. Oh, I don’t mean literally, and I’m not trying to be alarmist. But, well, how often do we get home from work and immediately gravitate to the computer or TV? Personally, I can’t wait to get back online. It makes me feel connected to people and current events. Even though, of course, that’s a thin, mediocre connection. […]

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I avoid writing a post that’s just a link to another blog post—I feel, like Brennen, that one should contribute content in a blog, not just redirect the reader to other content—but David Seah writes about a lot of the things I’ve been thinking about lately in his recent post, Five Things On My Mind. He writes about his desire to spend more time connected to the physical world, and to do things instead of endlessly […]

Sunday, March 26, 2006

It’s been a long, long week. Didn’t realize it until Saturday, but I’ve been busy basically all day, every day from Thursday through Saturday. On Thursday, I met with one of Otherspace’s artists, the character designer for our Cartoon Network pitch. She had some screenplay material that we went over, after I got lost and wandered around for an hour. On Friday, my parents came over and we […]


Okay. Based on some excellent advice from a reader of this blog—and the advice of Tom Peters—I’ve decided to pare down my list of projects again. As you may recall, I recently pared down my list of projects (see my February 17th entry) from about fifteen to seven. That list shifted around a bit as some of those projects shifted into maintenance mode and others were added, but as of yesterday, I still had seven significant ongoing […]

Monday, March 20, 2006

I am tired. I’m tired of being the adult. I’m tired of being the responsible one. I’m tired of being the one with the answers. I’m tired of being the one who looks beyond the surface. It’s more of a burden than I realized. And I’m not complaining; I’m just saying that I’m tired and discouraged that I seem to be the only person I know who’s “on top of things.” Which means I need to feel my feelings, acknowledge […]


If you knew there was a 30% chance you’ll die in your sleep tonight, what might you do differently today? Okay, why not do it? From the beginning of the year to the end, day and night, morning and evening, in action and repose, in speech and in silence, the warrior must keep death constantly before him and have ever in mind that the one death [which he has to give] should not be […]


I’m going out on a date on Thursday. This is the first time I’ve ever gone out on a date. Really. I was homeschooled through high school, then commuted every day to college. I’ve had a few crushes, but nobody I’ve wanted to pursue. Meanwhile, over the past few months, I’ve been hearing the ticking of my biological clock. I’m almost thirty years old now. If I got married tomorrow, […]


So Seth Godin was kind enough to link to me from his blog. And my first thought was, “Shoot! My site’s not ready! I wish I had time to clean it up beforehand.” You never know when someone important—or a lot of important someones—will look at your work. Does this mean that it has to be ready for important glances at all times? I think so. Comments: Stephen Isn’t this just […]

My First Story

I’ve now put back online two of my earliest writing projects. The Wand of Cabalis is the first thing I ever wrote, and it shows. I’ve uploaded it along with fresh commentary on its bad (and very few good) points. I wrote A Joining of Powers four years later, so I was marginally better, but it’s still pretty poor. I’m putting these online as encouragements to other writers. Your early […]

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