Tuesday, May 16, 2006
All sorts of ideas and things are swirling around in my head to write about, but all of them require some time to do full justice to, and I just don’t have the time to write them out in that sort of detail. Which is a good thing, really; it means I’m doing a lot. For once, this is due mostly to circumstances beyond my control. I worked late today finishing up a lot of things […]
Not Sayin’ It’s Good, Just That It’s a Poem
Honeysuckle lies heavyOn emerald leavesSet amongst pearl raindrops Comments: animom Beautiful picture. I can almost smell the honesuckle!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Last night, after a wonderful date with Mandy (I cooked up some chicken stir-fry and we delighted to Spirited Away), I turned off my morning alarm. This morning, I woke up when I wanted to, and the day stretched out before me like a meadow of flowers, ready to be explored and enjoyed. Been quite a while since I did this. Feels real good. And I need it so I can be productive later. […]
Finished, For Now
I just wrote the 19,495th word of the rough draft of my young adult novel. It was the final word of the draft. Praise be to God for giving me the strength to finish it. May he give me the strength to continue through the rewriting and polishing that comes next. Here’s the last paragraph. Obviously, I might completely rewrite it before I’m done polishing the novel, but I like it. He awoke to the scent of moss. His […]
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
This week is shaping up to be a bruiser at work. Lots of work to do, all of a sudden. I arrive home and, while I can take care of a few things—making dinner, checking e-mail—my more creative pursuits just aren’t getting done. So nothing to talk about there. I did collapse on the couch and veg out to Once Upon a Time in Mexico, which is about as thoroughly entertaining a flick as it is possible to be. […]
A Quiet Voice Speaks Softly
When you spend all day either working or entertaining yourself, you never have to spend time just quietly sitting still with yourself. But it is in those moments of quiet stillness—when you can actually hear planes overhead—when you make your most profound realizations about yourself. You begin to see glimmers of your ideal future. You ask yourself why you’re still here, […]
May 8, 2006
And it’s a Monday. Mondays are usually good/bad for me; I usually have a good charge of new energy at work, but there’s usually so much to do that I burn out quickly. Mondays are usually pretty productive in the evenings, but it sets me up for a tiring Tuesday. Tonight, I got very little done. Instead, I watched The Usual Suspects, which the IT Guy at work (the one I’m turning into an anime […]
Thursday, May 4, 2006
Don’t know why, but I’ve really felt like updating this blog a lot lately. It feels…comfortable. As you may have noticed, I’ve been reading quite a lot lately. Finished The 80/20 Principle, All Marketers Are Liars, and Communicating at Work. All of which have got me thinking: What’s my story? (hmm, shades of All Marketers Are Liars.) Who am I? How do I want to present […]
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Annoyingly, I have no idea how long this will be available for, but High Moon Studios put together a short, parody-style interview video about their experiences with Scrum (an Agile Programming methodology). Very well done. Meanwhile, I’m feeling better. Which is a bit surprising, considering that I got about four hours of sleep last night. My jaw ached and I just didn’t want to go […]
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Today, as I wait for painkillers to take effect after some dental work, I quote a poem written by my Dad: Loyalty ‘Tis hard to find a friendThat stays a friend forever;Not wavering in loyaltyBut there, and changing never. But friends there are to haveWho patiently wait for us;Never thinking selfishly,And wouldn’t dream to bore us. Yes, friends there are to keepSo dear, and always will beOur books, that sit on dusty shelves –For us in deepest […]