Don’t know why, but I’ve really felt like updating this blog a lot lately. It feels…comfortable.
As you may have noticed, I’ve been reading quite a lot lately. Finished The 80/20 Principle, All Marketers Are Liars, and Communicating at Work. All of which have got me thinking:
What’s my story? (hmm, shades of All Marketers Are Liars.) Who am I? How do I want to present myself? The obvious answer is “Be yourself,” but to quote Walt Whitman, I contain multitudes. What aspects of msyelf do I most want to make public? What do I most want to get across to people? Since I want to make the world a better place, what can I do to make that happen?
I’m realizing that I spend most of my time on things that don’t feed my
What would happen if, every day, I concentrated on doing things that fed my desire to help people? What if I taught people—in some way—before I open my mail or check Anime News Network?
(And I’m not saying I should work, work, work every minute of every day. I’m saying I should