A few months ago, I wrote up a Renewal Investment Plan (or R.I.P, ha ha). It’s a list of significant things I want to accomplish in the next three months. I’m at the end of the quarter, so it’s time to review.
Three new skills:
- Drawing heads/profiles, to prepare for my next comic. Done.
- Cooking pasta to al dente every time, no matter the shape. Done.
- Reading and practicing Japanese. Not as often as I’d like, but better than before.
Thirty new people to meet:
- Join Toastmasters. Complete failure.
- Keep in touch with students in my Web Design class. Complete failure.
- Go out on ten dates. I only did two.
Three new major projects:
- Kickstart Project Omega, the game my co-workers and I are designing. Done.
- The Garden Redevelopment Project. This included building a bunch of planters, repainting the fence, and laying down several truckloads of mulch. Done.
- Giant Armors written. Done (wrote the last bit this morning).
One new thing for the resume:
- Firestorm, my side-scrolling shooter for Syllable. Done.
So. I did terribly at meeting new people, which is typical for me. But that’s fine. I now know how I did, and can work on that for my next R.I.P.
If nothing else, this has been a great way to keep me in touch with my bigger life goals, the stuff beyond the day-to-day projects that will make me a more interesting, well-rounded person.