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The Amazing Tekkon Kinkreet

I just watched the anime film Tekkon Kinkreet. I’m not going to review it. Instead, I’m going to talk about its history. It was originally a somewhat sketchy manga, picked up by an expatriate American freshly dropped in Japan ten years ago. It hit him. Hard. Right between the eyes. He’d just closed down his […]

Blab To Everyone, All At Once

I realize this blog’s turned into Tech and Emotion Central of late, but that’s all I’ve felt like writing about lately. Today’s subject:, an aggregator site for all you social networkers out there. Basically, you sign up with, and you enter your username and password for all the newest Web 2.0 sites: Blogger, […]

What Is Wow?

Am I capable of “Wow”? Can I conceive of a breathtaking project, and then see it through? This is important. I can think of “Wow!” projects, sure…creating an animation from scratch, writing a series of kids’ books, building a robot…but can I think of projects and see them through? What projects can I see through […]

Yahoo! Buzz Is Not Buzz-Worthy

You may have heard of Digg, a site where users submit stories and rate them, and the highest-rated stories hit the front page. (Slashdot and Fark are similar.) Yahoo! now has its own version, called Yahoo! Buzz. It has a few problems. For one, the titles are short, as are the descriptions. Most titles are […]

Send an Email to Create a Blog…Wow!

Want a blog, but don’t want to spend time building a blog? Do you have an email address? Then you’ve got a blog, thanks to Posterous. Just send an email, containing whatever you want on your blog, to They’ll automatically create a blog, and reply with your new blog’s address. Then just continue emailing […]

My Depression Lifts…Time To Rock

And sure enough, my depression has lifted. I spent last night at my parents’ house, talking over my finances, and I’ve decided on a course of action. Context: I have about 2 months of expenses left in my checking account. While I’ve made some money from web development, it’s a quarter of what I’d need […]

Personal Stuff

Lack of blog updates here. Mainly because I’ve been depressed lately. It comes in waves, and much of the time I’ve felt okay. But…all is not right, internally, despite all being well externally. I’ve no reason to complain. But such is life. The mind and the heart are incomprehensibly complex systems. (I hesitate to call […]

This Has Been On My Mind A Lot Lately

Life is “won” by the persistent.

Topix: Local News and Commentary

I really love this site: Topix. It displays local news stories for your specific town or county, along with forum comments. All the comments are from people local to the story, so you’ll see reactions from the parents or neighbors of those involved. You get really close to what happens.

Donate to Teachers

Rather cool website out there: On this website, teachers ask for classroom project materials. You donate money to whatever you think is appropriate. The teacher and students then send you thanks, via email or regular mail. You can donate as much as you want to any project. If a project falls through, you can […]

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