twhirl: Twitter and FriendFeed On Your Desktop


If you use the Twitter or FriendFeed services, you know that one of the most difficult things about them is remembering to check the respective websites for updates. They’re all great, as long as you remember to check them.

twhirl is the answer. It’s a little application that sits on your desktop and displays your Twitter and FriendFeed streams, updating them every few minutes. Works on Windows and Mac OS X.

twhirl’s a bit quirky—I’ve had the window jump around my desktop a couple of times—but it’s a perfect way to keep up with Twitter and FriendFeed.

(Side note: Today’s my Reading Day; I’m spending the entire day in a chair in my garden, catching up on magazines and books that I’ve been meaning to read. Will hopefully get through a large percentage of my Media Debt, at least for the printed word.)

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