How to Become More Aware Of Time
This past week, I’ve been thinking about time. More precisely: awareness of time. Do I know how long I’ve been working on an email? Drinking my afternoon tea? Reading this book in bed? It’s struck me that this is a key to productivity. If I was more aware of time as it goes by, I […]
What Is Glogster?
A lot of educational folks who “get” the new web (Web 2.0, social networking, etc.) are excited about Glogster. Despite the annoying name, it’s a neat site: it lets you quickly and easily create a poster as a web page. Essentially. So when you go to Glogster, you get a blank page, and a simple […]
So What Is A Commitment, Really?
A recent post on the GTD forums started me thinking about commitments. We all have many ongoing projects. But what does “ongoing” really mean? Have we really committed to them? Or did we just put them on a list to remind us to get them done eventually? I’m realizing that a lot of my own […]