– licensing requirements are not included in reciprocal agreements between States. The mutual recognition of the privileges of possession of handguns between States has not changed and is listed on this site. Harris believes Tennessee needs to “negotiate with the other states they deal with. Reciprocity means respecting one`s law like a driver`s license. (C) (i) Where a person residing in another state and holding a handgun license in another state is lawfully employed in that state and wishes to carry a handgun in that state, the person has six (6) months from the last day of the sixth month of regular employment in that state to obtain a Tennessee handgun license. The authorization may be issued on the basis of the person who has an authorization issued by another State, provided that the other State has authorization requirements substantially similar to those of that State. However, if the person applys for a handgun licence in that State within the six-month period and the application is rejected, the person from that State may not carry a handgun because of the authorization of the other State. (ii) The provisions of this subdivision (r) (3) (C) do not apply where the State of residence of the person employed in Tennessee has entered into a reciprocal agreement with that State concerning the authorization of handguns in accordance with this subdivision(s). (iii) as used in this subdivision(3) (C), “regular worker in that State” means a person who has worked at least thirty (30) hours per week in that State for six (6) consecutive months, not including any absence from employment caused by the use of the worker`s sick leave, annual leave; Administrative leave or compensation period. – All applicants, regardless of authorizations issued by another State, are treated as originals. .
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