Tolling Agreements California

As the devil is being developed, we will literally expose relevant terms: some lawyers do it, other lawyers do not. But what a toll agreement is is that it pre-prescribes the statute of limitations. On the other hand, in a dispute, this “discovery phase” can be costly, frustrating and time-consuming. Thus, a toll agreement may offer a potential plaintiff the opportunity to both save money and obtain more information from the defendant than they would otherwise be willing to offer. Let me first tell you what a toll agreement is. In general, if a lawyer on the plaintiffs` side sends you credentials that you sue, they will add a toll agreement and say something like, here`s everything we think you did wrong. You know, the letter of demand does that too, but the toll deal seems to be the one they say, well, I don`t sign anything, no matter what. And then it depends again….

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