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Thursday, February 3, 2000

Eeeek! No updates for a whole week! I’ve uploaded Monday’s and Tuesday’s news; you might want to check the 1999 page for Monday’s entry. We’ve had a lot of snow lately, so not too much has happened. I’ve made quite a bit of progress on Informant, though. It’s pretty close to being releasable now, and I plan to release it this weekend, if I can. I have a few more glitches to fix, and then […]

Tuesday, February 1, 2000

I was back at work today, but I left early to pick up a few packages that the postal serivce was good enough to not bother to deliver (I guess they feared bands of thieves roaming the countryside in the middle of a blizzard; who knows). I then spent the evening watching the anime that was contained inside those packages. I caught the first five episodes of Bubblegum Crisis, a respectable action/adventure series set in a cyberpunk-ish year of 2032. […]

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