By Brent on 20 December 2001

It’s odd to go on walkabout, and find yourself.
Several weeks ago, I slowly realized something about myself.
Whenever I arrive home, I immediately flick on my main computer’s monitor (I keep it running 24/7, processing SETI@home data) and fire up my e-mail client. If I can, I’ll answer e-mails before dinner. When I return to my room after dinner, I jump onto the web and read through the few message boards that I frequent. I then have the urge to hop onto IRC. I itch for online connections.
I realized this after I discovered the IRC chat room for (a Ragnarok Online fan website). Within days, I was chatting in that chatroom for several hours a day. I even resurrected my IRC bots Bartender^ and Stevens^ for their pleasure.
I soon discovered that several of the chatroom’s ops were irresponsible, and I was forced to leave. This pained me; it was a repeat of the fiasco. However, in thinking about it, I was shocked at how quickly I had grabbed on to this online community. I was eagerly spending the bulk of my free time chatting with these people.
I realized that, ever since I left, I’ve been yearning for another real-time online community. I wanted to chat with people again, regularly. And while that’s OK in general, I think I had never really let go of that part of my life. I left the place and the people of events, but I never let go of the mindset. I still had an events-shaped hole in my heart.
So, I’ve been slowly exorcising that mindset. I’d still love to find another solid IRC community, but I’m no longer ordering my free time around that mindset.
I stumbled upon one other online comic strip: It’s Walky. It’s funny, well-drawn, and occasionally heart-wrenching, without being exploitative. Mmmmmm, just the way I like it. I spent most of the evening reading through the entire archives (which go back several years). Updated daily.
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