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February 28, 2002

Meanwhile, my good friend Brennen is the webmaster for Murmur‘s website, and tonight we agreed that, as payment for his services, every month or so I’ll send him something interesting from Amazon. February’s payment is volume 1 of Macross Plus, which I think he’ll enjoy. Oh, and if you get a chance, watch Office Space. It’s one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in years. There’s a lot of swearing, unfortunately. […]

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

After a fantastic cobb salad at The Tavern in Great Falls, accompanied by an eye-opening pseudo-therapy session with my Mom, where she revealed a major gaping hole in my intellectual control, I proceed to make incremental progress on most of my projects. Light. I write about revealing major gaping holes in one’s psyche as though that was a tangent in life. I really need to figure out how to write about these sorts of things properly.

February 26, 2002

Google corporate has posted an entertaining list of Ten Things Google Has Found To Be True. I posted a review of Boogiepop Phantom volume 2 on Points of View this morning.

Monday, February 25, 2002

So. What have I been up to lately? Precious little. I’m no closer to a job than I was on Friday. To tell the truth, I was rather busy this past weekend. After caring for an empty house on Saturday (my parents were out), I spent much of Sunday on the road, going to and from my sister’s house for my youngest niece’s second birthday party, and going to and from AWANA. And today, I wrote a little bit more of my Nausica

Monday, February 25, 2002

So. What have I been up to lately? Precious little. I’m no closer to a job than I was on Friday. To tell the truth, I was rather busy this past weekend. After caring for an empty house on Saturday (my parents were out), I spent much of Sunday on the road, going to and from my sister’s house for my youngest niece’s second birthday party, and going to and from AWANA. And today, I wrote a little bit more of my Nausica

Monday, February 25, 2002

So. What have I been up to lately? Precious little. I’m no closer to a job than I was on Friday. To tell the truth, I was rather busy this past weekend. After caring for an empty house on Saturday (my parents were out), I spent much of Sunday on the road, going to and from my sister’s house for my youngest niece’s second birthday party, and going to and from AWANA. And today, I wrote a little bit more of my Nausica

Friday, February 22, 2002

My, but I do have a lot to write about. Before I do, I’ll get my status reports out of the way: I’m about ten snippets away from having enough to launch Quiet; I’m pleased with myself for being diligent enough to progress on that. I’m fleshing out the script for my animated project Murmur of a Summer’s Day, which Brennen is maintaining diligently. I’m continuing work on my “Critical analysis of Nausica

Friday, February 22, 2002

My, but I do have a lot to write about. Before I do, I’ll get my status reports out of the way: I’m about ten snippets away from having enough to launch Quiet; I’m pleased with myself for being diligent enough to progress on that. I’m fleshing out the script for my animated project Murmur of a Summer’s Day, which Brennen is maintaining diligently. I’m continuing work on my “Critical analysis of Nausica

Friday, February 22, 2002

My, but I do have a lot to write about. Before I do, I’ll get my status reports out of the way: I’m about ten snippets away from having enough to launch Quiet; I’m pleased with myself for being diligent enough to progress on that. I’m fleshing out the script for my animated project Murmur of a Summer’s Day, which Brennen is maintaining diligently. I’m continuing work on my “Critical analysis of Nausica

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Full Metal Panic! artwork Full Metal Panic! is coming to America. Oh yeah. All I know about Full Metal Panic! is what I’ve seen in clips that I downloaded from the Anime Intro Archive. As far as I can tell, Full Metal Panic! is a fairly derivative mech show that oozes style. It’s like a full crew of mech fans — guys who grew up on Gundam […]

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