Sunday, December 5, 2004

‘Twas a fairly full day, which is appropriate considering the gorgeous weather. December and it’s in the 60’s? I’ll take it.

  • Went to Leesburg Baptist this morning, and heard another excellent sermon. A few choice quotes:
    • “We have made antiseptic what God wants to make therapeutic.”
    • “God honors process.”
  • Went to my parents’ house and hung out there for a couple of hours, then helped my Dad move some of my grandmother’s furniture. We had a good time just chatting.
  • Searched for a copy of Stephen Pressfield’s Gates of Fire at three different book stores. At each one, their database insisted there was at least one copy on the shelves, but no copies could be found. And I need to talk about it tomorrow; who’d have thought it would be this hard to find. Oh well. I’ll wing it. I did find a good book on kung fu: Kungfu Basics.
  • Thoroughly cleaned the townhouse, top to bottom. I’ve been feeling sick off and on for the past couple of months, and while I’m sure that’s due mainly to moving in to a new environment, I wanted to give my house another full-scale cleaning. I feel much better about the place now that everything’s clean.
  • Moved to my next Japanese lesson (#4). I find I’m learning it very well by reading the same lesson every night for a week. I don’t have to concentrate as much time on it each night, and the repetition burns the words into my brain.
  • Caught up with a few old online friends from the Sci-Fi Channel’s chat server, who are now hanging out in a new IRC server. They asked what I’ve done since I left the server; I mentioned starting Otherspace, writing, and helping Saalon make Dreaming by Strobelight. The most that other folks there had done was enter college.
  • Finished Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Shadow, which impressed me. It’s nearly as good as Ender’s Game, and that’s saying a heck of a lot. I’d like to write more about it, but at the moment it’s 2:00 a.m. and I have other things to do.

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