South Africa: On The Way
This is the first in a series of blog posts about my recent trip to South Africa. I’m posting them a week after they happen. For all 825 photos from my trip, see my Flickr photo set. The first challenge of a trip to South Africa is getting there. My flights lasted a total of about 24 hours each way, including layovers in Dakar (Senegal) and Johannesburg (South Africa). Fortunately, airplane travel these days is […]
Landed in South Africa
I made it! Currently lounging in my hotel room; it’s 10:30pm local time and I’ve been traveling for about 24 hours. Now to take a nice, hot shower, and get a solid night’s sleep. Tip: On, buy an electrical outlet converter for the country you’re going to (most see, to cost about USD $10), and take chargers for your camera and other devices. That way, you don’t have to buy and take multiple batteries […]
South Africa
On Wednesday, I leave for my week-long trip to South Africa. I’ve no idea what kind of web access I’ll have. I’m sure I’ll have some, but I don’t know how easy it’ll be to get to this blog and update it. So, I don’t expect to be blogging a lot while I’m down there. As expected, I’m excited and scared. Still running around. Worried I’ll forget something important. I expect […]