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And what is stress, anyway?

I have the best job in the world. Yesterday, I walked through a NASA building, looking at mockups and presentations about the Curiosity rover. I snapped pictures of the actual SAM module that will sit on Mars a year from now. I returned to my office just in time for a teleconference with a large consumer electronics firm about a Goddard technology that they want to license. Just another day at the office. Ironically, at lunch I attended a brown-bag session held by my company […]


Yesterday, I launched StreamSuki, an index of free, legal, English-language streams of Japanese animation. I spent many long hours building it, and I’m not sure why. I was downright obsessed with the technical implementation. I wanted to get it right, and to launch it. I did so at the expense of other, more pressing matters (like, er, keeping my house clean). It turned into a pretty big project. It automatically indexes 9 different […]


As I mentioned on Twitter, I’m pushing through a punishing schedule. I teach on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings, and I was out supporting a conference for work last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Combine this with a few social obligations, and for the past week I’ve been home almost exclusively to sleep. I leave the house at 7:00am and return at 9:00pm. One perverse advantage: the dishes don’t pile up, because I never eat at home. Granted, I signed up for all […]

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