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Seven Dragons © Looney Labs

50 Games in 50 Weeks: Seven Dragons

Just finished playing a game of Seven Dragons, a strategy card game by Looney Labs. It manages to find an excellent middle ground between ease of comprehension and strategic options. The rules can be easily explained in 10 minutes (though I botched one of the rules’ aspects). After you begin playing and once you hit the game’s midpoint, your strategic options become complex and interesting. It’s something of a pattern-matching game. A silver dragon […]

Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple

50 Games in 50 Weeks: Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple

Do simulates a specific fantasy trope: adolescent temple iplgrims who travel the world, helping people and getting into trouble. As limiting as this may appear, it’s easy for folks to grasp and use to tell stories. The system is much more simple than the length of this review implies, and highly story-focused. Your character is represented by two words: an adjective or verb “banner” and a noun “avatar.” The banner represents how your character […]

Road Trip, Day 1

Road Trip, Day 1

I’m off on the first day of my great cross-country road trip. I’ve stopped at a small Italian restaurant in Maryland.

"Flying Imp, Elven Spelljammer" by juanosarg on Flickr

Upcoming Project: Voidjumpers of Space

I’m careful to avoid announcing new products until they’re evolved enough that I’m sure I’ll be able to release them. I have 38 pages and over 10,000 words in this one, so I’m confident now. I’m working on a SpelljammerTM adaptation for Dungeons & DragonsTM 4th Edition. Its working title: Voidjumpers of Space. First, a few definitions: Spelljammer was a D&D 2nd Edition supplement for running D&D […]

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