Brent’s Victory Garden: Seed status
I planted a few tomato and onion seeds in pots indoors this year. Here’s how they’re doing. [iframe_loader width=”500″ src=”” frameborder=”0″]
Because I need a new project: Brent’s Victory Garden
Today, I’m launching a new project: Brent’s Victory Garden. It’s part how-to and part documentary on backyard gardening in the 21st century. I’ll be posting videos (one every two weeks) about planting and growing vegetables (and other plants) in my tiny backyard plot. The idea is to promote vegetable gardening for everyone–that you don’t need a farm or eight hours a week to successfully grow vegetables or otherwise maintain a small garden. I want […]
50 Games in 50 Weeks: Horrific, Terror in the Cards
While browsing a local game store’s dusty bargain bin, my hands pulled out a couple decks of cards. Each was adorned with a tiny yellow price tag proclaiming, “$1.” The decks were part of a card game, Horrific: Terror in the Cards. According to the back of each deck, each player in the game plays a villain in a small town, trying to corrupt townspeople into minions, while turning the rest of the town’s inhabitants against the other […]
What publishers will look like in 20 years
It’s hardest to see the future when the present is shifting so much. However, we can see clearly if we look at fundamentals and clearly understand the nature of change. There are 3 major individuals or groups involved in book publishing: Authors (usually one person, the creator) Publishers (which include a long chain of people, which all process the author’s work) Distributors (who get processed books to readers) Electronic […]
50 Games in 50 Weeks: Space Hulk: Death Angel
You are a space marine, a heavily armored and incredibly powerful warrior searching an abandoned ship for deadly, xenophobic aliens. Unfortunately, they will find you. This is represented in a card game. And that’s the yin and yang of Space Hulk: Death Angel. The basic idea–marines assaulted by aliens as they traverse a space ship–captures the imagination, but it’s complex and awkward to represent with cards. The players each control a couple of marines, all of which […]
Please do not buy candy from Munchies Sweets and Treats
Bottom line up-front: I ordered a bunch of candy from Munchies Sweets and Treats, only received half, and they’ve ignored my requests for the rest of the candy I paid for. This past Halloween, I wanted to buy a bunch of full-size candy bars for the trick-or-treaters. It’s always fun to see their eyes bug out when I offer them a pail full of big candy bars. And I figured I could buy them in bulk. After an hour of Googling, I found […]
Foursquare is about visiting places; Schemer is about doing things
The peerless Trey Ratcliff was kind enough to offer invites to Schemer, a new Google service, and I was lucky enough to win one. Thanks, +Trey! Jennifer Van Grove emphasized Schemer’s similarities to Foursquare in her VentureBeat article, but I see Schemer as more of a location-sensitive bucket list. Foursquare is about visiting places; Schemer is about doing things. Ignoring the home dashboard, Schemer’s biggest attraction is its “Find […]