The Fabliaux (book review)
The Fabliaux is an odd little book, which I bought on a whim because it’s an odd little book. We’ve all heard of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, those saucy stories of pilgrims in the Middle Ages. Some know that Chaucer didn’t invent these stories; he cobbled them together from various stories floating around at the time. Common folk traded these profane little tales in taverns, forming the “reality TV” of its […]

Happiness, Happiness, and Happiness
As I learn to improve myself, I’ve been learning to unpack the idea of happiness. We use happiness in at least three ways: the emotion, the attitude, and the state. When we’re in the state of happiness, we feel happy all the time. This is the dream world we’ll live in after we’ve won the lottery: a big home, a fast car or two, and lots of pleasurable activity. In this world, we fulfill every need. This is bliss. Unfortunately, […]

The Bachelor Brothers’ Bed & Breakfast Pillow Book
Every often, you stumble upon a book that precisely fits your mood. I bought this tartan-covered novel on impulse at a used book store while I was on vacation. I wanted a light book to read. This delivered. In The Bachelor Brothers’ Bed & Breakfast Pillow Book, Bill Richardson describes a year in the life of two bachelor brothers who operate a small B&B for bibliophiles. Not only is the house stuffed with books; […]