Tuesday, March 28, 2000

Well, the free Personal Edition of BeOS R5 has been released, and it’s been a zoo. I logged onto EFnet this morning to check in with the IRC’ers on #beos and #beoshelp. The channels were hopping with folks eager to download the new file. I logged into ftp.be.com and kept checking the /pub/beos directory for the files, until finally at 8:32 the files appeared. Unfortunately, they weren’t downloadable yet, and finally I had to go to work. Since then, my work net connection has refused to connect to any websites or FTP servers. Arg.

I did get a call from an About.com person, who’s going to try to get me interviewed by a few reporters, about R5. I talked to her this morning, and will call her back once I get a chance to download and install R5, and upload a use guide to my About.com site.

Interestingly, I had a good talk with Glenn, one of the technical administrators at the Sci-Fi Channel. He wanted to know my reasons and thoughts after leaving the SFC’s chat server (events.scifi.com), so we had a nice long discussion. He agrees with my assessment that events could be a powerful community, if it had administrator backing, and that the admins need to have some rules applied to them. Hopefully he’ll be drafting some regulations, plus a web page, which will greatly improve the server. Once he does that, I’ll be free to return to events.

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