Just watched the first DVD of the El Hazard OAV, and I’m impressed. It’s certainly at a Tenchi level of enjoyment (both series were made by the same people), without
I also grabbed some video footage for what will probably be my next anime music video: Iria: Zeiram the Animation footage to Duel of the Fates. I’m planning to use exclusively footage of Iria and Zeiram, emphasizing their duel (appopriately enough…), but I only grabbed suff from the first half of the series, so I’ll need to get all of the shots from the finale before I can edit it together. Maybe some other time.
Didn’t do much else today, other than church. I hauled some wood down to the woodpile; we need more than expected due to the unusually low temperatures of late (rarely do we need the stove going during the day in December, except this year when we’ve been doing so for most of the month).