
Four Thousand Words

I’m four thousand words into a very rough draft of the next Giant Armors novel. I’m trying something different this time. With my last novel, I wrote progressively longer summaries. I started with notes, then wrote a half-page summary, then a three-page summary, then a twelve-page summary, then the whole novel. I called this my […]

6 Nov 07

Writing is difficult, which is strange, because writing is easy. Typing is easy. Putting words on a page or a screen is easy. It’s keeping at it that’s hard. There are numerous potholes on the road to a complete story, and many psychological Jersey barriers. I write a few hundred words, then feel a strong […]

3 Sep 07

Accomplished less than I’d hoped, but plenty today. Lack of progress is due primarily to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which I “took a break” to read, then paused when my stomach told me I was very late for dinner, four hundred pages later. In reading it, I’ve identified four primary dimensions of fiction […]

28 Aug 07

Thanks to my parents, I caught ImaginAsian TV’s Tuesday anime block tonight. Very interesting. Briefly: The Law of Ueki — Very standard shonen series. Not always a bad thing. Paradise Kiss — Neat little fashion-oriented show hampered by severely limited animation budget. Ayakashi: Classic Japanese Horror — Well-done and refreshingly mature, but as is common […]

23 Aug 07

I just finished watching Gravion Zwei, a modern twelve-episode giant robot series. It’s ridiculous. It’s over-the-top. It’s full of maids, giant robot combination sequences, fanservice, teenagers screaming their attack moves, and bickering teens who really love each other. It is a perfect example of its genre. It is clearly pushing every genre convention to its […]

20 Aug 07

Aaand I come down with a cold. Just in time to affect work. Great. So I spent the day watching clips on YouTube. Wish I didn’t; this evening, I changed my hosts file to block YouTube. I enjoyed myself, but I could’ve just as easily spent my time watching anime, which rewards watching. I did […]

17 Aug 07

I sat down tonight to assemble chapter one of Grave Thoughts, and got myself thoroughly confused and frustrated. I didn’t keep track of which drawings correspond to which line of dialog, and I think I’m either way ahead or way behind. I’ll probably have to work my way backwards from the end. All because I […]

15 Jun 07

Final reminder: I need your comments on Giant Armors by midnight tonight, if you’re going to send them. Thanks!

10 Jun 07

If you have a copy of my YA novel to review, please send me any comments by this Friday so I’ll have time to incorporate them. Thanks, as usual, for all your thoughts.

5 Jun 07

Just returned from the writer’s group, where I received lots of feedback on draft three of Giant Armors. I have a few minor changes to make now, and will incorporate any changes I receive from other readers by mid-June. Felt great. They said that this was a significant improvement, and they look forward to reading […]

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