Just got finished reading (most of) Steven Holtzman’s Digital Mosaics, a book about the aesthetics of cyberspace. The main gist of the book is about what, really, cyberspace is, and what it can do. Fortunately it doesn’t go on about incredible technological changes and so forth (like another book I definitely didn’t buy that predicted “Someday mice and keyboards will be replaced with
I got the book off a bargain bin at an outside sale last night, along with two of Terry Pratchett‘s Discworld novels and a “lost novel” by Jules Verne, Paris in the Twentieth Century (one of those pesky books that predicted the future with alarming accuracy, and Verne’s editor flatly refused for being too fantastic). The entire bill came to $20.86 for four hardbacks, two of them first editions (a tad less than what I would have paid for Verne’s novel regularly). I tell ya,