Wednesday, March 8, 2000

I woke up this morning with an upset stomach and sore throat, so I stayed home and relaxed. Not surprisingly, I enjoyed myself a lot; it’s great to have a day with no worries, so to speak.

The Hauppauge WinTV card that I ordered came today. It came out of my check, mainly because the cel that I mentioned yesterday was sold before I could get a chance to grab it. I was extremely disappointed; I felt like I’d lost a pet. It was a terrific cel. I still mourn the loss of it every time I think of the auction. :sigh:

I tried to drown my sorrows by buying another Washu cel, but whoever had a bid on it had an extremely high maximum bid on there; I bid the thing up USD $20 before finally giving up. Well, cel collecting is a waiting game; I’ll find another Washu cel sometime.

(I’m also comforted in the knowledget hat both of these cels were bought by the same person, whose eBay user ID is the name of one of the characters in the series. Obviously, this is a serious Tenchi collector, so I probably wouldn’t have been able to match the user’s bids anyway.)

I did manage to get some drawing in yesterday. I’m practicing my pencil sketching by copying a pencil work that my grandmother (on my father’s side) made. I’m…slowly coming along, and learning a few things. I also finished up a cartoon, that I’ll post on my personal website as soon as I can scan it in.

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