Thursday, August 17, 2000
Work. Sucks. We’ve been finishing up work on Release 5.0b of our product, and it’s been requiring a lot of long hours. Ah well; we finished up system testing yesterday, which is a very significant milestone. And we did it on-schedule, too! Much as my boss was worried that we wouldn’t…. Meanwhile, I had a late night Tuesday night, doing errands. To reward myself, I went to the local Suncoast […]
Friday, August 11, 2000
Work is very busy lately. Lots o’ stuff to do. Not much fun. I finally got my final Tenchi cel yesterday. It’s cool, too; a shot of Tenchi himself looking lost and confused (as usual). I’ll have to post a photo of it.
Wednesday, August 9, 2000
I just realized that I never summarized my TECspedition 2000 speaking thing. Basically, it went well; I gave a demo of the BeOS, using one of my own machines (“Tramp”), and a large TV monitor. Some folks asked questions. I got to meet Chris Heschong of, who hosts a bunch of BeOS-related websites. Cool stuff. My Dad came along, and drove both ways, which was a huge help. We had a big 1.5 hour […]
Tuesday, August 8, 2000
And wow again. I just read Courtney Love’s speech to the Digital Hollywood online entertainment conference. It talks about the way record companies work, and how the new digital economy holds the awesome potential for changing things. Here’s her evidence: take a band that nobody’s ever heard of, that suddenly rockets to the top. It gets a huge 20% royalty plus a million-dollar advance, and their album sells a million copies. […]
Monday, August 7, 2000
Wow. It’s been quite a weekend. Saalon and I went to Otakon Friday through Sunday. ‘Twas all sorts of fun. Here’s pretty much what happened, as well as I can remember: I picked up Saalon at BWI on Friday at 12:30, then we went straight to the Baltimore Convention Center. After wandering the streets for a few minutes, we finally found the center, which turned out to be literally across the street from the garage where […]
Wednesday, August 2, 2000
Well, I’m sitting here at a computer terminal in Wytheville, VA (in the extreme southwest), waiting for the first group of people for the BeOS demo I’ll be giving here at “TECspedition 2000.” We had a good trip down: It took about 5.5 hours, which was actually better than we expected. My Dad came down with me, and has been an incredible help. Not only did he drive the whole way, […]
Tuesday, August 1, 2000
OK, sorry about the lack of updates. I’ve been truly incredibly busy, plus’s servers got migrated over to this weekend, which locked me out of my account for several days. So, what’s new? Well, I’ve been asked to be a keynote speaker at a technology conference in southwestern Virginia. I’ll be leaving Wednesday afternoon, to speak on Thursday morning/early afternoon, after which I’ll come back in time […]