Monday, January 8, 2001

Last night, I finished my second anime music video, “One-on-One.” You can get it at my Anime Music Videos page.

Then my body refused to go to sleep, and so I read about 50 pages of Cold Mountain, which is turning into a pretty good book. Ironically, I’m beginning to like the female protagonist more (now that she’s not stumbling blindly towards certain starvation), and the male protagonist a lot less (now that it’s becoming clear how much he hates the universe in general).

Work is slow and somewhat painful, but acceptable.

And I’ve mentioned this before, but MegaTokyo is really, really impressive. Last week’s strips just plain hurt like the dickens, and I like that.

heh, I found out I’ve been neglecting two things recently: One, I haven’t received any of the e-mail sent to my regular e-mail address since the transfer of to WebMages, and Two, I never posted a bunch of NieA_7 screenshots sent to me for UFO Dreams. I resolved both of those problems tonight.

But alas, I didn’t work at all on the fantasy novel I’m working on, nor did I practice my drawing. Ah well; I was kinda tuckered out anyway.

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