Saturday, February 10, 2001

Well, it’s been a very productive day. I went to work in the morning, where I set up Lady (one of my computers) next to my regular work machine. Why? Eh, just for the heck of it, and I want to see if I can get it on the network.

On that machine, I found some code I had written to make Wolfenstein 3D-like engine in BeOS. Saalon and I chatted (via ICQ) about how to an engine like that could be used for administrative uses, but couldn’t come up with anything beyond that DOOM-like process controller that was written for Linux.

added a new page to the library today, namely, a listing of all the SF books I own. I’ve had trouble keeping track of which books I own and which I don’t, so having a “master list” will be useful. I’m also thinking of breaking Chapterhouse down into individual reviews, and then linking to each one separately, so I can have all of my book reviews in a logical structure (including ones from the recently-read books page).

Though now that I think about it, I may want to put all of my books into a database, and set up some sort of Perl/PHP thing to keep track of them all. That way, I can have listings of SF books, fantasy books, non-fiction books, etc. without having to manually update everything. Hmmmm.

I also re-encoded my Gundam Wing anime music video, “Deathdance”, and re-posted it to my Anime Music Video site. I think it’ll play in Windows now.

I also did a bit of work outside, just generally cleaning up my garden. More about that on my garden site.

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