Thursday, March 1, 2001

Brennen, update your diary now. ;-)

Work continues to be intense. I realized today that I’m suffering from pretty classic burn-out. I can’t stand to look at any more code. Which means that I’m not very happy about work, which means I’m going to be more tempted to look around for another job if this keeps up. Fortunately, this release should be over by the weekend, which will take a lot of the pressure off.

However, I had a very nice lunch with the new documentation team, which now consists of four people (two full-time and two half-time). I’m really looking forward to being able to work with them in the coming weeks. Writing can be annoying, but it should be more fun than coding.

I also had a chance to mention to Janet (our project manager) how I really don’t want to work on more coding if possible. She made it clear that management would respect that as long as I tell them what I want. A very good thing.

Still no word yet about a job for Saalon at Intersect. He only interviewed last Monday, but he and I are starting to get a bit antsy. He’ll call in this Monday if he hasn’t heard back yet, to see what’s up.

I came across a very cute anime/manga spoof comic strip called Okashina Okashi (“Strange Candy”). Updated three days a week. I’ve updated my comics/art page with a link.

In other news, I may have an animator for Otherspace Productions. I’m talking to an artist I saw on MegaTokyo‘s Art and Drawing forum. I’ve given this particular artist a Cel Test: to choose any anime cel currently selling on eBay, figure out the next frame in that sequence, draw it, and send me the result. That should give me a good idea as to the artist’s talent in doing in-betweening.

Unfortunately, I’ve been having to watch myself in my dealings with this artist, because of recent dealings with a friend. A month or two back, I asked her to do some drawings for my personal website — paying pretty well, too, I think — and as of tonight, she still hadn’t done them. And now she’s swamped, and has no idea when she’ll be able to draw them. I understand her situation, but it’s extremely frustrating for me. I’m thinking of telling her to forget it, and finding another artist to do it at this point.

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