Thursday, September 6, 2001
OK, see, I’m writing this diary entry on Friday, even though this is the diary entry for Thursday. The reason I’m writing it on Friday is because I always write diary entries during the day, so if I write a diary entry for the day I’m writing it, I haven’t experienced most of what goes on during the day, and I end up spending most of my diary entries describing what happened the day before. […]
Wednesday, September 5, 2001
After a full sixty minutes at work this morning, I headed up to GMU to take the GRE, in preparation for my attempt at getting a Master’s degree. It went pretty well; I scored above the average all around. One of the odder aspects to the test — besides the stupidly-constructed testing desks and the extreme attention to security — was the fact that, though the computer immediately displayed an approximate score at the end of the test, the results will go back to official […]
Tuesday, September 4, 2001
Well, gee, that was pleasant. I just pulled up a Shockwave page, and was prompted to update my Shockwave plugin. I figured, “Sure, I’ll update.” The installer then proceeded to close every browser window I had open before continuing with the install. It didn’t even warn me. How rude of the designers; they couldn’t even add a single line of code: Alert *alert = new Alert( “To install the new version […]
Monday, September 3, 2001
The chicken savory pie turned out perfectly. I didn’t do much of anything today, though, other than a brief trip to Old Town Alexandria to window shop.
Sunday, September 2, 2001
It’s been an interesting weekend. My parents left for North Carolina on Thursday morning. Our English Setter got sick Thursday evening. I’ve been spending a fair amount of time listening to a dog throw up, and cleaning bile and partially-digested dog food off of carpets. At least she’s been having the diarrhea outside. It’s not too bad, really. She was back to normal as of yesterday morning, so I’ve been able […]
Saturday, September 1, 2001
“Youth is not a time of life — it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of red cheeks, red lips and supple knees. It is a temper of the will; a quality of the imagination; a vigor of the emotions; it is a freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over a life of ease. This often exists in a man of fifty, more than in a boy of twenty. […]