Tuesday, September 18, 2001

This was my first morning attending the “Men’s Academy,” a weekly get-together sponsored by The Falls Church. Every week, the rector will give a talk on some aspect of the nature of manhood, then we’ll split into small groups and discuss it. Very informal. The rector worries that the whole idea of “being a man” has slowly eroded into nothing in recent decades — a notion I’m beginning to appreciate in greater detail the more I think about it — and this class is dedicated to providing at least some answers.

The only problem is, it meets at 6:30 a.m. As the rector says, “That’s the cost.” It’s early, but really, how much of a sacrifice is it to get up early in the morning?

No matter; I found the rector’s lesson edifying, and he’ll be discussing a number of interesting subjects. I plan to continue attending.

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