January 31, 2002

Added a new drawing to my gallery, and darned if she doesn’t look cute. It’s so weird to me, to see a drawing that I made, that looks attractive. I feel like it must be some sort of fluke, like I can’t possibly draw well. I wonder where that feeling comes from.

I’ve been downloading music from Digimon Tamers (season 3) at a furious rate lately, after discovering that most of it is very good. I’m surprised that a Kid’s show like Digimon would have such high-quality music.

I’ve also been dowloading anime clips from the Anime Intro Archive. I’ve got a whole bunch of clips archived already. I get a real kick out of exploring the anime series that are airing in Japan right now.

I’ve written a total of two pages this week.

Oddly, I feel comfortable with this situation. I have an excuse: I’m still recovering from that mild cold I contracted on Saturday. Also, I’ve realized that I simply can’t depend on my Muse to deliver several pages’ worth of writing every single day for weeks on end. I hope to exercise that Muse until I can churn out writing much more dependably, of course, but for now, I’m content to believe that I’ve been experiencing a dry spell.

I do intend to write at least three pages before today is done, though.

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