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Tuesday, November 19, 2002

I’ve been reading the books of the Apocrypha recently, those bits of the traditional Bible that have been left out in more modern versions. It’s been a useful experience, as I’ve gotten a feel for the books. Most of them are purely historical, or collections of proverbs, and understandably uninteresting to most readers. But I read the book of Tobit last night, and I was bowled over. It’s a genuinely well-written story. And that’s what amazed me: it’s […]

Monday, November 18, 2002

Sorry for not posting for awhile; my parents have been literally tearing my room apart for the past week, redecorating it as my birthday present this year. And WOW, did they do a fabulous job. My bedroom is now a medieval sitting room. I plan to post pictures once they finish the details. IAE, our cable modem is routed through my room, so while my parents were painting and staining my floor, the cable modem […]

Friday, November 15, 2002

This is useless?!? It’s entrancing. And I mean that, blast it. His writing sucks me in, and I surface at the end of it not knowing how long I’ve been reading. That’s the mark of great writing. Whether Brennen’s writing is great or not, it’s certainly worth preserving and getting more of. Please, Bren, write more. Please. (more later)

Monday, November 11, 2002

I have completed my two-week vacation from the internet. And not only was I okay, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The internet — as wonderful as it can be — tends to be a massive time sink, and I found that keeping my distance from it gave me some perspective. I still don’t plan to renounce the digital world, but…well, now there’s a “but.” These past two weeks have given me the opportunity to prove to myself […]

Wednesday, November 6, 2002

Arg. I’ve spent the past two weeks happily looking forward to a trip this weekend to Saalon‘s, to spending a good three days out of town with my best friend and another good friend. Of just hanging out. A couple of days ago, I realized that my tickets had not yet arrived. Since I made the reservations on the 29th, they should have arrived by now. So, I went out walking today, called up […]

Tuesday, November 5, 2002

(Note: I’ve expanded November 1st’s entry to describe a few other movies I watched, particularly Nosferatu.) Sherpa, a role-playing system made to be played while hiking through the wilderness. A character sheet fits on the back of a business card.

November 1, 2002

I’m having one of those days where all I want to do is write. This is probably a result of staying up until 5:30 a.m. last night, watching all sorts of films. So, let’s play the List Of Films Watched By The Blog Author Game. Everyone else does it. Series 7 (official website, reviews) is a devastating parody of reality TV, which is surprising considering it predates […]

October 31, 2002 – Halloween

Worse is better. Tanjit. I wanted to get into the habit of writing journal entries that aren’t responses to other journal entries, but I read this bleat from Lileks and was desperate to post a link. It deals with several wonderful magical facets of music.   Anyvay. I spent most of last night watching a tape of Eddie Izzard, a transvestite British comedian who manages to weave a hilarious two-hour routine out […]

October 30, 2002

Patterns for Teaching The Anti-Mac Interface isn’t an anti-Apple page; it’s about challenging the classic Macintosh Interface Design Principles, upon which modern GUIs are based. The page raises all sorts of interesting issues, like: Metaphors are too constraining in a digital environment WYSIWYG tends to become WYSIAYG (What You See Is All You Get), in which functionality is limited to that which can be displayed on the screen […]

Monday, October 28, 2002

“If your right eye causes you to sin, if necessary gouge it out and throw it away.” — Jesus Christ (0–33 A.D.) Okay, I’m at work, and I can’t stare straight at my monitor any more. So, this is a good opportunity to write the journal entry that I e-mailed a few close friends about yesterday. Which strikes me as temporally complex, but then, I like that sort of thing. […]

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