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Tuesday, July 23, 2002

One of my innumerable projects is an in-depth analysis of Hayao Miyazaki’s epic comic Nausica

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

One of my innumerable projects is an in-depth analysis of Hayao Miyazaki’s epic comic Nausica

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

One of my innumerable projects is an in-depth analysis of Hayao Miyazaki’s epic comic Nausica

July 19, 2002

Ahhh, Fast Company’s website is finally responding, so I can post a link to their article on SMASH. No, it’s not the next WWF or WCW show. SMASH is an acronym IBM thought up to describe their vision for how software should be written, and how computers should work in the future. It’s a little confusing, because their vision has expanded and changed since they adopted the “SMASH” acronym, and has […]

Thursday, July 18, 2002

I spent another hour and a half on my comic book last night, completing the second draft of the first page. The next step will be to ink that first page, and then I can move on to the next page. I’m not sure why I’ve completed the whole page before going on to the next page. I wonder if it would be a better idea to draw the whole comic, then clean it up and ink it. OTOH, […]

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Just found USS Clueless, an excellent blog by a guy who must spend most of his free time writing delicious blog updates. One recent entry spends 3,500 words talking about how to fight dragons using modern air-to-air weapons (ref. Reign of Fire, natch). He also has the ability to write about politics and maintain an opinion without working himself into a tizzy doing so.

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

I met with that co-worker yesterday morning. It’ll be a really quick sort of job, something I should be able to hack out in a few hours. It’ll be a nice little chunk of income. Not much else to report, at the moment, though my mind is addled by my almost complete lack of sleep last night.

July 14, 2002

Huh. I received a phone call today from an ex-coworker, who offered me a quick job creating a website for her business. Cool. I’ll be meeting her tomorrow morning to find out more details. Ahhh, more Half-Tail from Saalon. BTW, Saalon, would you like me to program some way for visitors to easily access the Half-Tail stories on their own? Think about how you’d like that to work […]

July 13, 2002

I just had an extremely interesting experience. I drew the first three panels of an experimental comic. I’ve had it on my mind for some time to try my hand at drawing a comic, something in book form that would explore the comic medium. I wanted something I could draw reasonably well considering my current skills, that could be ended quickly, and that could be compiled into book form. I figured a project like this would […]

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Lots o’ stuff happening in my personal life. I’m currently typing this from the office upstairs, not in my bedroom, because I’ve moved my main computer up there. And shut down Tramp, Lady, and Methuselah. In fact, I’m probably going to perform a lobotomy on Tramp and toss its hard drive into Pendragon, then dual-boot between BeOS and Windows. As a result, I’ve pulled out of the AtheOS and Cosmoe alternative OS communities. This […]

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