Here’s the latest on my moving out:
I’m currently in the process of buying furniture and moving all my stuff into the new apartment. Last Saturday, I bought a beautiful little table, a nice set of china, a microwave, kitchen utensils, supplies, and all that miscellany. I’m sure I’ve missed a few things, but I think I have what I need.
I don’t have any bookshelves yet. Bookshelves are important. Based on a rough estimate, I figure I own at least 600 books. If they were all put on one long bookshelf, that bookshelf would be about fifty feet long.
So, Tuesday night, my Dad and I tossed a few boxes of books into the truck and headed over to
By this Saturday, I should have moved about half of my stuff. I’m hoping to move the rest of it on Saturday, with the gracious help of my parents.
I feel very weird about it, though. It’s not that I don’t want to leave, exactly, and it’s not that I really want to leave. I feel conflicted, but not about anything in particular. I think I’m just resisting change.
Not that I’ll let that stop me.