…and I just noticed that The Brunching Shuttlecocks have put up the absolutely perfect Geek Hierarchy Chart. As Neil Gaiman puts it, it’s “almost too accurate to be funny. But it’s still funny.”
5:13 p.m.
There’s a new blog, called Worthwhile, which posts entries from a handful of
And here’s what I love about blogs: Check out comment #4 on the Deep Tycosis article.
Anyvay, lots of really really good stuff here. I particularly like this entry, by David Weinberger:
Interestingly, the name “Worthwhile” is not a joke about this blog’s worth in the presence of two million whiny LJ users; it’s the whole point of the site. It asks the question, “What is worthwhile in the business world? What goes beyond merely making a profit to making a difference?”
I’m feeling somewhat better today.
I made a ridiculously simple vegetarian chili last night, which turned out well except for the
I’m increasingly interested in learning how to cook rather than how to follow a recipe. I want to know how to make chili in general, not just a specific chili recipe. As such, I’m focusing on the ingredients involved and the general process. It certainly makes cooking more interesting.