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Work Matters

I’ve been reading a book on the early history of jazz. The book’s titled, appropriately enough, Early Jazz by Gunther Schuller. It’s a fascinating study of jazz from the turn of the century through the thirties, mostly because Schuller dissects jazz musically during this time. He’ll write paragraphs of intense explanation about a particular song’s swing. Great stuff. And it’s fun because it satsifies my curiosity. I’ve always wanted to know more […]

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Man, long day. I was kept at work late again tonight, so that I ended up working a ten-hour day. Long days like that are why I gave up programming as a full-time job. Not that I wouldn’t consider a full-time programming job in the right environment—proper pair programming, pervasive unit testing, a “WOW!” goal. Until then? Nah, I’d rather go home at five. But it was a long […]

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

OK, yeah, haven’t updated this since Thursday. But! I spent Friday moving to a new server (which involved hand-tuning a lot of code that didn’t expect to suddenly be in a subdirectory), and Saturday I had an Otherspace meeting, then went straight from there to Guy’s Night Out. And I spent Sunday just relaxing, which I very much needed. The Otherspace meeting went exactly as I hoped it would: we divvied up […]

Requirements, and the impact thereof

Well, I’m beat. I’ve been suffering from weird sleep patterns for the last few days; I went to bed at 9:00 on Tuesday, then on Wednesday couldn’t go to sleep until 2 a.m. I came home from work early and slept the afternoon away, and now I feel exhausted. Weird, and a bit frustrating. I’ve also spent the past few days supporting Saalon as he attempts to assemble a video for a youth group he’s working […]

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