Past Lives
This weekend, a very special package arrived: a VHS tape of E.Y.E.S. of Mars. Those of you who watched anime movies on the Sci-Fi Channel back when they still showed anime movies may remember this one. It’s an ecological fable about a psychic girl who gets caught up in the final apocalypse of Mars, and eventually sends her spirit to earth to found Atlantis and give Cro-Magnon man sentience. But the moral […]
Sunday, March 5, 2006
Instead of writing more about self-improvement, as I usually do, I thought I’d spend some bytes on some things I’ve been watching this weekend. I spent all weekend home, some of that cruising Google Video (which, of course, is in Beta. Like Google Groups has been for the past five years). Anyvay, I came across some fun little videos. Tripod’s Song is a perfect pop song about, um, […]
So, what are the “do’s” and “don’ts” of etiquette for blog comment forums like this one? Comments: Stephen Meh, even we agree on a set of “do’s” and “don’ts” anonymous posters won’t care. But, as far as I’m concerned, the only “don’t” is “Don’t spam.” Everything else is fair game when you invite the public to play. Brent What’s spam in this context? Gret Good question Brent, I think that […]