Tuesday, May 16, 2006

All sorts of ideas and things are swirling around in my head to write about, but all of them require some time to do full justice to, and I just don’t have the time to write them out in that sort of detail. Which is a good thing, really; it means I’m doing a lot.

For once, this is due mostly to circumstances beyond my control. I worked late today finishing up a lot of things (and really finishing them up; boy, that felt nice), then going to Writer’s Group for the first time in months to provide feedback on a few stories and get feedback on the rough draft of Giant Armors.

So I got home about an hour ago, only to realize that I had ice cream in the fridge, ready to be made. So I had to toss that in the ice cream maker for half an hour. Meantime, what to do? I took a shower. That consumed ten minutes. So I emptied the dishwasher and sorted through my mail. And voila, the ice cream was done. After that was done, for some reason I still felt like taking care of little things, so I dusted my bedroom (haven’t done that in months).

So, I feel good. I’m keeping up with those little things. Of course, now to keep up with the bigger things.


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